Yorkie Puppies
Yorkie Lover Gifts
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Our Yorkies
Back to Eden Garden
Feathered Friends |
Yorkshire Terrier Puppy
- Yorkie Lover Gifts
- Our Yorkies
Yorkie Puppies
Back To Eden Garden
this year I've started my own small "Back to Eden Garden",
inspired by Paul Gautschi's video, produced and directed by
Dana Richardson & Sarah Zentz. It's powerful, take a few
minutes to Watch It Now!
Watch many more videos about Paul Gautschi and his garden
by L2Survive
with Thatnub, a special guy that takes the time to visit
Paul and share all these informational videos on his youtube
![](newimages/garden.jpg) If
all goes well, (fingers crossed!) fresh organic fruits and
vegetables for my family and yorkie fur kids, grown in my
Starting out a little late.
I'm learning as I go, and it has taken me a while to get everything
set up and LOOK the seeds have finally sprouted!! I took that
photo (above) this morning! Hubby says I'm wasting my time
and money, it's easier to just go to the store! (He just doesn't
get it). That's okay, many people don't, I didn't for the
longest time. You and your fur kids, are what you eat. If
I had known 25 years ago what I know today, I wouldn't have
the health issues I have today.
For years I have been planting beautiful flowers of all kinds
in my backyard, which I LOVE but this year I'm doing something
a little different. I am going to concentrate on growing some
organic vegetables and hopefully some fruits too.
Did you know after vegetables are harvested they lose like
80%! of their vitamins/minerals and many being shipped across
the world can become contaminated during travel, preparation
or storage. Eating contaminated produce (or fruit and vegetable
juices made from contaminated produce) can lead to foodborne
illness. Not to mention GMO, non-organic and ever wonder how
many other germy hands have touched that lettuce you're about
to eat? Dr Oz did a show once about the spray misters in the
grocery store that spray on the veggies being contaminated
with all kinds of bacteria etc!
Growing Organic Veggies
you have taken the time to watch
the movie, you already know it's all about fresh wood
chips, not the bag of old mulch sold at stores. In the video
they say to put down newspaper or cardboard over the grass,
then compost, then wood chips. ![](newimages/babybunny2.jpg)
I only put down two layers of newspaper but wish I had doubled
that to four layers as some of the grass is coming through.
Since we have lots of little critters running around the
neighborhood, (bunnies, squirrels, birds, frogs, cats) we
needed to protect the veggies. After installing a fence
I noticed it was doing a good job keeping the rabbits out
but the other day I noticed these cute little baby bunnies
running around and they were so small they went right through
the fence into the garden.
Back to the store, and picked up more fence but with smaller
holes, placing it all around the bottom. This seems to be
working so far.
the squirrels were climbing over the
fence and digging holes and rolling all around in the soil.
So we put plastic on two of the sides and picked up some
deer netting at Walmart and threw that over the top which
also keeps the birds out.
The plastic also shields the veggies if the neighbor sprays
pesticides on his lawn to prevent it from blowing all over
the veggies.
There's a plenty of seeds in one package, so made a little
garden section just for the bunnies to nibble on. There's
also plenty of weeds for them to nibble on (which is why
they love our yard!) since we never use any type of pesticide/herbicide
poisons in our yard. I believe someone in the area years
ago use to raise them and have since moved so every now
and again you see them running around. Also visit our feathered
friends page.
More pictures of our garden! I planted cabbage, brocolli,
kale, swiss chard, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, lettuce,
potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, celery, some herbs. I know
I planted way to much in a too small a space, but was excited
to try everything and fiqured not everything would come
up anyway
Very, very slow growing, think I overwatered and not enough
Some things are growing, some not. Due to my neighbors huge
tree which covers half our yard! we don't get alot of sunshine
Green beans seems to be doing pretty good!